Monday, May 7, 2012

My First Ever 5k!!!

I was running this with my mom and my uncle. The morning of I called my mom to make sure she was up and she said that my uncled bailed. Boo. My mom had to work later in the day so I'm grateful that she didn't bail. Thanks mom. The morning ended up being very cold compared to the weather that we have been having. We found the start but there was hardly anyone there. We got our shirts and went back to the car to keep warm.

Right at 9 we made our way back to the start but they said that they were still waiting on people to arrive. at about 9:15 we took off. I would say about 30 of us. haha. I left my mom walking and took off. I started off trying to run 4 min and walk 1, but couldn't quite keep up that pace so in the end I was doing 3.5 min to 1.5 min of walking. There were a few hills which were very new to me because where I tend to run is very flat. When I saw the 1 mile marker my HRM said 13 min! No way! After being out for a few weeks with this kidney situation I was beaming.

I only got a little choked up at one point. I was just thinking about my family that has passed that would love to cheer me on.

There was a short out-and-back after that I saw my family drive by looking for me! It was a great boost. I wasn't sure that they were going to come.

I headed down the hill and was told to do 2 laps around the pond and I would be done. Ummm. Awkward. I had to run through the finish line and then back around again. I saw my family on my first pass and then on my final pass they hadn't even made it to the finish line. In fact there was nothing at the finish. No clock, no people cheering. No one handing out water. Nothing. What a let down. I checked my HRM and it was 41:45!! I was so proud! I thought for sure that I would break down at the finish but it was just pretty lame.

A few minutes after I finished my mom came up behind me. I said "you didn't go around the pond twice did you?" She said "Nope, not even once, I cut back this way". haha. She truly just did this just for me. It meant a lot. We hung around for a bit and my mom won a 5 lb jug of protein powder that she gave to me.

The rest of the day I felt just great! Sunday I was a little sore but totally expected after my hiatus.

 How do other people look so good after? I'm a mess.
 All these were taken by my daughter.
Mom with her winnings.

All in all, it was SO much fun and I can't wait to do it again every weekend. :)


  1. Congrats on your first 5K!!

  2. Great Job! Keep it up! Congrats!

  3. YAY! Great job running & keeping your spirits up when the finish line was less than fabulous. You did it!!! SO proud!

  4. Congratulations! You did a wonderful job. I was worried about your kidney problems but you obviously beat that. And you don't look like a mess, you have that "I just kicked ass" glow. ;-)

    My first (and only so far) race was in March and when I finished there was nothing. I ran past the clock and that was it. It was very disappointing. I wasn't expecting confetti but I was expecting the race organizers to be there and be like yay! But no one was. It's definitely a bummer.
