Tuesday, May 22, 2012

The Past Few Days

So Saturday I wanted to attempt 5 miles to determine whether I was going to be able to do the 10k coming this Saturday. For some reason I got it in my head that I needed to do 11 laps around my local pond to make 5 miles. Well I was wrong. That gave me 5.8 miles! I was getting discouraged during the run because it took me an hour and a half. I thought that there was no way that I would make 6.2 in the same about of time, but I'm SO close! I don't know what to do. Do I sign up for the 10k and run the risk of being last and not being to finish, or do I play it safe and just sign up for the 5k? Decisions, decisions. I'm running out of time. (haha. Get it?)

Yesterday I set out to do 3 miles. Cause that is what's on the 10k training schedule and good thing the bathroom was open at the pond. I had to go! I timed myself. It took 3 minutes with handwashing. What if I have to go during the race? I NEED those 3 minutes.

Please, any advice would be greatly appreciated. :)

Also, guess who is turning 1 on Friday??? This guy! I can't believe it. My boss is letting me have our Company Suite at the Salt Lake Bees Baseball. I'm very excited. :)


  1. Does the 10K course close after an hour and a half? It sounds like you are so close and you will have a little extra push with your race day adrenaline. Plus, it's always nice to challenge yourself. My first race was a half marathon and I trained at 11 minute miles but ran much faster than that on race day. As for the bathroom, I go once before I leave the house and again right before the race. Standing in lines for a porta-potty on the course just sounds awful so I do what I can to avoid them.

  2. I would do what you want. There are worse things than not finishing if you really want to try! In my opinion, races are the exciting-fun part for all that training. If you would be more comfortable with the 5K... go with that. You can always do another longer race later. Enjoy!
