Friday, April 6, 2012

The Weight of the Situation

So has anyone else noticed that I haven't brought up my current weight yet. Ya, that is because it is still hard for me to talk about.

Bigges Loser style "Your current weight is" about 205. Ugh. I'm only 5'4".

This blog is not going to be about weight loss, but at the beginning that was my goal. Unfortunately running doesn't counteract all of the extra calories that I eat. And it doesn't change the fact that I forget to take my medicine all of the time. Until I can get those two things under control the weight issue will probably not go away. Honestly, I'm okay with that for now. I have made one goal. I'm not ready to track my calories, but I'm going to keep a food diary. I'll write everything I ate and why I ate it. Hopefully it will help keep me more accountable without making me obsess.

Sometimes I feel like I can only concentrate on one thing at a time. And I'm really excited about running right now so I'm gonna stick with that.

Recent picture of me. From New Years. I have lost a little weight since then. I hate it. I'm still working on being who I want to be. I just gotta keep on trying. :)


  1. I totally understand how you feel about weight. BLAH. It is no fun to have too much of it around because as a girl is just gets in your head and holds you back. I am trying not to gain much during this pregnancy so I am not too far back when it is over. With my previous two pregnancies I gained 50 pounds each time and lost only a bit. I rocketed from 120 begin my normal to 180 being my normal in a matter years. Ugh. What you eat is a huge piece but all goals and dreams are formed in stages. Grab hold of what motivates you now and over time other pieces will being to fall into place. Hugs girl. Brave post! You can do this!

  2. Lisa totally feeling you! I found you through Runs for Cookies. I have been using an app/website called 'Lose It!' and it is really making a huge difference in my weight lose.

    Good Luck and you can do it!
